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La rivoluzione digitale
comunità, individuo e testo nell'era di internet Ferri, Paolo    Anno: 1999
Ferri, Paolo
La rivoluzione digitale : comunità, individuo e testo nell'era di internet / Paolo Ferri
Milano : Mimesis, c1999.
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A truly liberal practical education
science communication and citizenship from the age of steam to the knowledge society : a lesson of modernity from the works and ideas of Joseph Priestley and the Birmingham lunar society Ceci, Chiara    Ferri, Paolo    Università degli studi (Milano-Bicocca)    In this work I examined the life of Joseph Priestley and I reviewed the story of the dissenting academies and of the Lunar Society of Birmingham and the heritage left by its... Anno: 2012
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Ceci, Chiara
A truly liberal practical education : science communication and citizenship from the age of steam to the knowledge society : a lesson of modernity from the works and ideas of Joseph Priestley and the Birmingham lunar society / Chiara Ceci